Monday, 11 October 2010

Target Audience Questionnaire Results

finding out what most people look for in a short film allows me to see more in depth about what people enjoy when they are watching short films, from the graph we can see that most people really like comedy and harley any people like escapism so make a comedy which people can relate too would be a really good idea.

This graph establishes what people like when watching short films, we have chose 3 short films that we thought people would like the most. They all have a roundabout effect which is where the film starts where it finishes. Most people enjoyed watching "The black hole" this short film is about a man who gets the chance to have anything he wants be he gets to greedy and ends up in awkward situation.

We asked each one of our participants how long they would prefer a short film to be, we asked them of they would prefer 2-3, 3-5, 4-5, 5+ minutes long most people preferred 3-5 minutes but then this is a very wide range and is not very specific so we also added 4-5 minutes so give us a more specialised result and most people apart from one voted for 4-5 minutes.

Asking what genre people like really helps us establish what genre to make our short film. This information can really help us when deciding how to make our film as we want to make it successful and interesting for people to watch.

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